
Food Truck Festival

Globalizacija čini svoje. Popularan u Americi, Food Truck Festival je došao i u Italiju.

Čudno objašnjenje: nekoliko desetaka kamiona se poreda na jednom parkiralištu i onda ti ljudi prodaju hranu koju pripremaju u tim kamionima. 

Simpatično objašnjenje: Ljudi - obitelji ili obrti - preurede kamion tako da izgleda lijepo, simpatično i privlačno, ali ga i osposobe da funkcionira kao kuhinja. Svaki od tih kamiona ima određenu vrstu hrane, a u skladu s time ljudi urede svoj kamion. Dio u naslovu "festival" se odnosi na činjenicu da svi ti lijepo uređeni kamioni dođu na jedno mjesto, a ljudi onda dolaze, uzmu hranu, svira glazba, zabavljaju se, i tako dalje. 

U Firenci su ovaj festival napravili u jednom parku, tako da je atmosfera bila jako pozitivna! Puno hrane, od meksičke, preko američke, do talijanske, raznih vrsta pića, deserti i slana jela, mesnato, vegetarijanski i bez glutena: ma bilo je svega!

Na žalost, nije bilo nečeg što bih ja mogla jesti tako da sam imala priliku, s obje ruke slobodne, fotografirati.

Baci e abbraci,

In the beginning of July, I attended one summer school in Graz where we talked about globalization for two weeks. One of the main questions was what globalization actually is. Well, here is a simple example that makes the concept clearer than any definition: Food Truck Festival in Florence, Italy.

One of my flatmates is Canadian so she explained me the concept of it. When I was writing the Croatian version of this post, it sounded quite weird. People selling food they make in their trucks? This might a proof that every single thing in this world can be seen as positive and negative, depending on how you present it!

Amy, my Canadian flatmate, wasn't too thrilled with the whole festival. I guess it was done in a too European way. I mean, Europeans trying to imitate America or Americans. There were a lot of burgers, some mexican food (apparently with wrong names), sweet stuff, Italian, gluten free and all sorts of other stuff.

I wish my next paragraph could start with "I tasted this burger and it was...", but since nothing there was wheat/cereal/sugar/starch/whatever free, I had both of my hands free to take some photos.

Baci e abbraci,