
Dnevnički zapisi: Sreća je u malim stvarima

Velike stvari koje nam se dogode u životu su trenuci koje pamtimo, prepričavamo, rado ih se sjećamo. No ono čemu svi težimo
je svaki se dan probuditi sretni i navečer otići u krevet zadovoljni. Recept za to je znati uživati u malim stvarima, veseliti se sitnicama, cijeniti ono što imamo i što to možemo imati!

Evo što je mene učinilo presretnom u zadnje vrijeme.

Kupila sam novi planer. Znam, tek je listopad, ali je savršen. Problem je jedino što moram čekati do siječnja jer je prvi dan stvarno 1. 1. 2016. (prije nekoliko godina planeri su sadržavali dva dodatna mjeseca: prosinac prethodne godine i siječanj iduće godine). Za sada ga držim u ormaru i svaki se put razveselim kad ga vidim! Ima čak i malu olovku. Jednostavno je savršen!

Virginija (sustanarka) i ja smo odlučile otići na aperitivo prije par dana, ali smo izašle dosta kasno pa smo samo otišle u jedan od bližih kafića. Tamo je aperitivo bio samo do devet, a mi smo došle minutu poslije devet. Konobarica nam je rekla nek si uzmemo hranu, ali da će nam naplatiti samo piće. Nije stvar u tome da sam jela besplatno, nego u gesti i ljudskosti. Ta nam je žena mogla naplatiti cijeli aperitivo, a mi ne bismo uspjele skoro ništa jesti. Ili je mogla jednostavno reći da nam ne može dati aperitivo, odnosno da si ne možemo uzeti hranu. Male stvari čine razliku!

Otkrila sam da za jedan ispit moram pripremiti samo dio gradiva. Ovaj Erasmus je u biti super. Znam, bilo bi puno pravednije da polažem cijelo gradivo, ali ovako imam više vremena uživati u ovom semestru!

Stoga cijenite sitnice u svom životu i koračajte s osmjehom!

Baci e abbraci,

Journal Excerpts: Happiness Is in Little Things
(I still haven't figured out how to make my post titles bilingual!)

There are some big things that happen in our lives. My Erasmus semester is one example. We remember them, retell them and recall them. However, our goal is to wake up every day happy, and go to bed satisfied. And trust me, those big things can keep you happy only for so long. The recipe for a happy life is to enjoy in little things, look forward to simple events, and appreaciate what we have and what we can have.

Here are those tiny things that made me happy recently.

I bought a new planner. I know, it is only October, but it is perfect. Oh, and, it is never too early to start planning. My only problem is that I have to actually wait until the 1st of January 2016 to actually start using it! I remember when planners started in December of the previous year, and ended with January of the following year. I still have to wait too many weeks to start using it, but it is waiting in my closet (i don't really have a book shelf here) and I just smile every time I see it! It even has a little pen! Simply perfect!!!

Virginia (my flatmate) and I decided to go to aperitivo several days ago. However, we left out apartment quite late. (This is what happens when two girls who live together decide to go to out together - they have nowhere to hurry so they'll take their time getting ready) The problem was that we wanted to stay on our side of Arno, and since we were not sure where exactly to go, we just went to the first one we liked. They were, however, serving the aperitivo from 19 do 21, and when we came it was a minute after 21. We still got to eat, but we didn't have to pay for our food. Before it turns out that free food is all I care about, let me tell you that what I liked here is how our waitress acted. She could have made us pay for our food, although she was aware that we would not have as big of a choice AND that we would be able to only get one tiny plate of food before they take it away. Or she could simply say: no girls, sorry, you came to late. But she was more than fair to us - and made our day.

Recently I found out that for in linguistics course, I'll have exam only on one part of what we learn. It's not less learning that makes me happy, but the fact that I'll have more free time to explore and enjoy. I'm here already more than a month, and I still have so much to see!

So appreciate small things and go thorugh your life smiling!

Baci e abbraci,